
劉興華 副教授




英國雷丁大學University of Reading應用語言學博士(2008-2012),英國諾丁漢特倫特大學Nottingham Trent University特邀研究員(2014),曾于美國亞利桑那州立大學(Arizona State University開展寫作方向博士后研究(2015-2016)。



1.  燭光獎,金沙威尼斯歡樂娛人城,2020





6.  海外研究生獎學金,英國雷丁大學,2008-2011

7.  校長獎,金沙威尼斯歡樂娛人城,2004






  1. 林玉珍、劉興華. (2019). 新英語閱讀教程(2). 北京:高等教育出版社.

  2. Roundy, D. & Liu, X. (2015). A Neurolinguistic Course for English Learners. Brighton: Cranmore Publications.

  3. Roundy, D. & Liu, X. (2015). Creative Writing for English as Foreign Language Learners: Teachers’ Manual. Brighton: Cranmore Publications.

  4. Roundy, D. & Liu, X. (2014). Creative Writing for English as Foreign Language Learners: A Course Book. Brighton: Cranmore Publications.


Monographs/Edited Volumes

  1. Liu, X., Hebert, M., & A. Alves, R. (2023). The Hitchhiker's Guide to Writing Research: A Festschrift for Steve Graham. Springer. 

  2. Liu, X., & McCabe, A. (2018). Attitudinal Evaluation in Chinese University Students’ English Writing: A Contrastive Perspective. Singapore: Springer

  3. Liu, X. (2015). An Intercultural Rhetoric Study on English-Chinese University Students’ Argumentative Writing. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.


Journal Papers/Book Chapters

  1. 劉興華、司學娟、李靜(2023). 初中英語教師教材觀及個體差異研究. 當代外語研究,6:97-107.
  2. Liu, X. & Jiang, X. (2023). Attitudinal evaluation in written peer feedback: An Appraisal study. In  Liu, X., Hebert, M., & A. Alves, R. (Eds.). The Hitchhiker's guide to writing research: A festschrift for Steve Graham (pp.375-392). Springer.
  3. Liu X, Alves RA, Schmied J. & Aitken, A. (2023). Editorial: Peer feedback in second/foreign language writing classrooms: Educational psychology perspective. Frontiers in Psychology. 14:1266437. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1266437
  4. Hsiang, T.P., Graham, S., Liu, X. & Zhou, Z. (2023). Teachers' beliefs and practices in textbook selection and use when teaching Chinese as a second language. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 36(7), 1651–1684. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-022-10336-9
  5. Ng, C., Graham, S., Liu, X., Lau, K., & Tang, K. (2021). Relationships between writing motives, writing self-efficacy and time on writing among Chinese students: path models and cluster analyses. Reading and Writing. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-021-10190-1
  6. Ng, C., Graham, S., Lau, K., Liu, X. & Tang, K. (2021). Writing motives and writing self-efficacy of Chinese students in Shanghai and Hong Kong: Measurement invariance and multigroup structural equation analyses. International Journal of Educational Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijer.2021.101751.
  7. 劉興華.(2020).中學英語寫作教學循證實踐現狀研究.《外語教學理論與實踐》, 4: 58-64. 
  8. 劉興華.(2020).英語寫作教學的循證實踐.《當代外語研究》, 1: 68-76. 
  9. 劉興華、童劍平. (2019). 應用型本科院校通用大學英語教材適切性調查.《當代外語研究》,497-105.
  10. 李恬山、劉興華. (2019). 基于語料庫的高中生英語書面語口語化特征研究.《基礎外語教育》,13-11.
  11. 劉興華、麻怡雋. (2019). 基于自我調節策略發展模式的英語寫作教學:理論與實踐.《英語教師》,216-10.
  12. Liu, X. (2019). Writing research, writing instruction and educational research frontiers and methodology: An interview with Steve Graham. International Journal of TESOL Studies, 1: 102-116. 
  13. Ray, A.B., Graham, S. & Liu, X. (2018). Effects of SRSD college entrance essay exam instruction for high school students with disabilities or at-risk for writing difficulties. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-018-9900-31.
  14. 劉興華、紀小凌. (2018). 大學英語寫作同伴評分的可行性和有效性研究.《外語界》, 5: 63-70. 
  15. Graham, S., Liu, X., Bartlett, B., Ng, C., Harris, K. R., Aitken, A., Barkel, A., Kavanaugh, C., Talukdar, J. (2018). Reading for Writing: A Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Reading Interventions on Writing. Review of Educational Research. 88(2): 243-284. DOI: 10.3102/0034654317746927
  16. Graham, S.Liu, X.Aitken, A.Ng, C.Bartlett, B.Harris, K.R., & Holzapfel, J. (2017). Effectiveness of Literacy Programs Balancing Reading and Writing Instruction: A Meta-AnalysisReading Research Quarterly. 53(3): 279–304.  https://doi.org/10.1002/rrq.194.
  17. 劉興華、紀小凌、余繼英(2017.以評促學---大學英語寫作有效同伴反饋模式構建及促學效果研究.《當代外語研究》,5: 9-15.
  18. Liu, X. (2017). Towards Evidence-based Foreign Language Teaching and Research. TESOL International Journal. 2
  19. Liu, X. (2017). Writing instruction, writing research, and educational psychology: An interview with Steve Graham. Educational Psychology Review. 29(1):175-187. DOI 10.1007/s10648-016-9375-1.
  20. Shi, Y., & Liu, X. (2016). Recontextualizing writing proficiency: An investigation of model argumentation texts for IELTS preparation. TESOL International Journal. 11(2):57-69.
  21. 劉興華、唐青葉(2016). 大學英語教學面面觀國際語言教育專家訪談.《第二語言學習研究》,21):85-89.
  22. McCabe, A., Gledhill, C., & Liu, X. (2015). Systemic functional linguistics and English language teaching. TESOL International Journal. 10(1):1-10.
  23. Liu, X., & Furneaux, C. (2015). Argument structures in Chinese university students’ argumentative writing: A contrastive perspective. English Text Construction. 8(1):65-87.
  24. Liu, X., & Wolf, H. (2015). A cross-cultural investigation of attitudinal evaluation in Chinese and British university students’ argumentative writing. Journal of EFL Writing Teaching & Research, 2: 93-112.
  25. Liu, X., & Furneaux, C. (2014). A multidimensional comparison of discourse organization in English and Chinese university students’ argumentative writing. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 24(1):74-96.
  26. Liu, X. (2014). Contrastive Rhetoric Research of English and Chinese: Old Issues and New Perspectives (pp.99-115). In J. Wang & D. Lin (eds): Teaching and Researching EFL Writing from the Psycho-cognitive and Socio-cultural Perspectives. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
  27. Liu, X. (2014). Motivation-based bonding activities in an EFL writing classroom: A case report from mainland China. ELTWO (special issue on bonding).
  28. Liu, X. & Le, T. (2013). Voice and audience in writing: A multidimensional account (pp.187-200). In T. Le and Q. Le (eds), Conducting Research in a Changing and Challenging World. New York: Nova Science Publishers
  29. Liu, X. (2013). Evaluation in Chinese university EFL students’ English argumentative writing: An APPRAISAL study. E-FLT, 10(1):40-53.
  30. Liu, X. (2012). Towards an ecological view of contrastive rhetoric research between English and Chinese. The Internet Journal of Language, Culture and Society, 34:33-42.
  31. Liu, X. (2011). More than Ba Gu Wen (Eight-legged essay) and Confucianism: A new research agenda for English-Chinese writing studies. Second Language Writing News,vol6, No.2.
  32. Liu, X. (2011).Directions in contrastive rhetoric research. Language Studies Working Papers, University of Reading, 3:58-65.
  33. Liu, X. (2010). An investigation of Chinese university EFL learners’ knowledge about writing. Language Studies Working Papers, University of Reading, 2: 51-63.
  34. Liu, X., & Thompson, P. (2009). Attitude in students’ argumentative writing: A contrastive perspective. Language Studies Working Papers, University of Reading, 1: 3-15.


  1. Co-Editor: International Journal of TESOL Studies (ISSN: 2632-6779) (www.tesolunion.org)

  2. Co-Editor: International Journal of Chinese Language Teaching (ISSN: 2708-9517) (www.clt-international.org)

  3. Executive Editor: New Techno-Humanities (www.journals.elsevier.com/new-techno-humanities)

  4. Editorial Board: Sage Open (http://journals.sagepub.com/page/sgo/editorial-board) 

  5. Editorial Board: Humanities & Social Sciences Communications (https://www.nature.com/palcomms/editorialboard)

  6. Advisory Board: Access: An International Journal of Nepal Library Association

  7. Advisory Committee, Global Open Access Portal, UNESCO

  8. Steering Committee, International Society for the Advancement of Writing Research (ISAWR)


Invited Reviewer for the following journals:

Journal of English for Specific Purposes

Journal of English for Academic Purposes

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research

Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology

Linguistics and Education

Language and Education

Journal of Research in Reading

Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal

Education Science: Theory and Practice

Review of Educational Research

Assessing Writing

Written Communication

Text & Talk

Scientific reports



Educational Psychology Review

Frontiers in Psychology

BMC Psychology

Humanity and Social Sciences Communications

Educational Research for Policy and Practice

English Text Construction

Journal of Writing and Pedagogy

Computers and Education Open

Language Studies Working Papers


Invited Reviewer for the following publishers and conferences:




Cambridge University Press;

American Educational Research Association Annual Conference;

SIG Writing Conference.


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